i am using tethereal to capture 802.11 packets.
I wanted to change the output format. So I made changes in the .preference file.
The following is the format which i have specified.
# Packet list column format. Each pair of strings consists of a column
# and its format.
column.format: "No.", "%m", "Time", "%At", "Hardware src addr", "%hs", "Hardware dest addr", "%hd", "Src port (unresolved)", "%rS", "Dest port (unresolved)", "%D", "Packet length (bytes)", "%L"
I run tethereal,
(after putting my interface in the promiscus mode)
tethereal -i eth2 -a duration:2 > test.log
when i open test.log, i find the following format.
0.000000 Agere_0d:fc:5b -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff IEEE 802.11 Beacon frame
0.102429 Agere_0d:fc:5b -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff IEEE 802.11 Beacon frame
0.204820 Agere_0d:fc:5b -> ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff IEEE 802.11 Beacon frame
i guess, it is not reading from the preferences file. Does tethereal have any other configuration file, which is overriding my preferences here in the preference file?
Why am i not getting the output in the format i am specifying??
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