Ethereal-users: AW: [ethereal-users] compiling for usining on windows nt 4.0

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 19:06:10 +0100
Is there anybody out there hwo has a binary for Win NT. 
I'm getting crazy trying to compile the source code because i am no Guru. 
I only managed to compile it for Linux but in my environment I also need a
Windows Sniffer and Ethereal is one of the best free Sniffers I've ever

So please, please help me 
	Tobias Görig
Tobias Görig			
AS Autoteile Service		Abteilung IV
63225 Langen			Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 21
Tel 06103/753-263			eMail: TGoerig@xxxxxxxxx