Ethereal-dev: Re: [ethereal-dev] New dissector question

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Steve Limkemann <stevelim@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 18:07:37 -0500 (EST)
On Mon, 6 Dec 1999, Gilbert Ramirez wrote:

> This is our first case of a vendor wanting to include a GPL'ed dissector
> for a custom protocol. So bear with us while we explore these issues for
> the first time... :)
> What does the diseector do?  If it's a small dissector and, as you

  The source and header files are about 1500 and 400 lines
respectively.  All of the Gryphon protocol pieces are dissected.  (Well,
I do know of at least one that didn't get dissected.  We aren't using it
much yet, so I'm not in a hurry to add it.)  As I said before, no attempt
has been made to decode the CAN, J1850 or other automotive protocols.

> alread said, your company has no problem with the GPL, then I think it
> should be okay to include it. We're working on loadable module support
> in Ethereal, and this dissector would be an excellent case for it...

  I did notice some mention of loadable module support in the past.  I
couldn't tell how soon it might be ready and thought that I'd see if there
was any interest in including the dissector now.

> only a small portion of users need it. But our loadable module support
> is not available yet, so our only two options are to either include
> your dissector or make you wait on us.
> Can we see the source code and a small sample trace file?

  The source code and a sample trace file are at  The computer is connected to the
net via a single channel ISDN line that should be up 24/7.  I originally
wrote it for version 0.7.5 but it has been upgraded to work with version


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