Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] "Visually" re-assemble packet
From: Christopher Smith <Christopher.Smith@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 23:30:36 +0000

>>> Like, a method to parse through a trace to present its granularity on protocols vs frames?
>> So do you mean that you want a display that shows, for example, each HTTP request or response as a single line in the summary, with, for example, the length field showing the length of the request or response as a whole, with the packet details at a lower level (link-layer frame, IP, TCP) hidden?
> Yes :-)

OK, so the reassembly's already being done by Wireshark, and it's just a question of the packet summary display.

That can't *fully* be done currently, but if, for example, you filter the display with a filter such as "http", it'll show only the HTTP traffic.


I know L - my scenario it’s SMB – so on that filter I JUST get the “tail” frame – which is great for any analysis based on timestamps, but not the FULL picture




Thanks though!





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