Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] AIRPCAP and wireshark 1.8.4
From: Giuseppe Montanarella <giuseppe.montanarella@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2013 15:33:55 +0100
Maybe I did not explain properly.
I use wireshark 1.8.4 and I want to understand what traffic goes in my wifi,
if I go to set the network key to decrypt the traffic, the password is not stored and can not decrypt the traffic,
Someone using Windows and AirPcap to sniff wireless?


2013/1/31 Prigge Scott <PriggeScottM@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> if there is some problem with this version of wireshark because i am not able to decript wireless traffic?

Doubtful, these guys are pretty good. What is probably more likely is that you are attempting to view a cached SSL session which bypasses the full SSL key exchange. I can't remember where in the I saw/heard this, but I can tell you from personal experience that Wireshark can only decrypt SSL when the entire key exchange sequence has been captured. I'm sure someone on this board who is a lot smarter than me will give you a better way, but I can typically tell if the SSL session is cached because the Server Hello packet is approximately the same size as the Client Hello - meaning that the certificate was never transmitted. In a full key exchange, the entire certificate is transmitted which typically results in  one or more full-sized TCP segments before Wireshark rolls them up into a Server Hello in the Info column.
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