Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] [Wireshark-dev] radius dictionary -> segfault
From: Mihaly Zachar <zmihaly@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 03:29:14 +0100

Guy Harris wrote:
On Dec 9, 2009, at 5:13 PM, Mihaly Zachar wrote:

Maybe this is not a proper forum to post messages like this, but I have a problem with WS.
The right mailing list would be wireshark-users, rather than wireshark-dev - wireshark-dev is for people modifying the Wireshark code or adding new code; I'll redirect it there.

I'm using Ubuntu Jaunty and it has a WS version 1.2.2 and unfortunately when I put my dictionary file to the radius dictionary
You say "put my dictionary file to the radius dictionary" - do you mean that you edited an existing file in the radius directory, adding those entries to it, or do you mean you put your file into the radius directory?

If you edited an existing file, what was the contents of the file in question after you did that?

If you put your file into the radius directory, what name did you give the file?  If it wasn't just "dictionary", did you edit the "dictionary" file to include your file with a $INCLUDE statement?

Sorry, I was not clear. The attached file was my "dictionary". I
replaced the original dictionary file with mine.

it crashes with SIG11 unfortunately.
Do you have a stack trace from the crash?
I don't have it yet if you need I can do, but if you try it I'm almost
sure that you can reproduce the problem, because we tried it on multiple
PCs and on a Mac as well, with the same result.

Presumably, if you read your sample packet with the dictionary entries from your file, Wireshark crashes, and if you read it without the dictionary entries from your file, it doesn't crash, right?
Yes exactly, it does not crash if I use the original dictionary file.
