On Apr 17, 2009, at 11:28 PM, Oto BREZINA wrote:
I have run into problem after some of previous update of debian
tshark did not work properly. Instead of getting packet information I
get something like "malformated packet". This issue apears only on 64
bit kernel. Everything works properly on 32 bit.
Are you doing a live capture with TShark, or are you reading an
existing capture file?
Are you using the exact same TShark binary on the 64-bit kernel and
the 32-bit kernel?
Is this bug?
It sounds like a bug in *some* piece of software.
In there package for 64 bit kernel ?
There shouldn't *have* to be - at least for instruction sets where
there are both 32-bit and 64-bit variants, most if not all of the 64-
bit versions of the Linux kernel should fully support 32-bit userland
What happens if, for example, you try capturing the traffic with
"tcpdump -i {interface} -s 0 -w {file}" and then read the file with
TShark? If that also doesn't work, there might be a bug in the Linux
kernel, for example.