INVITE URI usually translates into Called party number. The URI type is not
converted, maybe only used to verify that the SETUP can be composed of the
URI information, or, if it's an advanced gateway, could select a number plan
and type based on the URI type, but I've never seen that before.
PS: As you noted the story goes both ways ;)
PSS: It looks like a tightly integrated setup, so these factors have been
taken into account I guess.
mixalis wrote:
Hi Jaap,
I'm sorry i didn't give the whole picture. The call is first converted
from H323 to SIP, then back to H323. I'm tracing the H323 messages after
the conversion from SIP, and the flags are set the same as in the
original H323 setup message. For example, if i have the flags set as
"International/ISDN" in the original Q.931 header, after the conversion
to SIP and back to H323, these flags do not change. Let me clarify that
this is exactly the way i want it to behave, i'm just curious as to
why/how it does this. Another point of interest is the topology. The
call enters an endpoint (the h323 part). That endpoint talks via SIP
with an MSC controller (which handles the routing/billing procedures),
and that MSC controller talks with the terminating endpoint (via SIP),
which in turn sends the call to its destination by H323. Something like
caller - h323 - endpointA - sip - MSC - sip - endpointB - h323 - destination
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 18:35:43 +0100
From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-users] Q.931 called party information to SIP
To: Community support list for Wireshark
Message-ID: <47D965EF.5070803@xxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Called party number usually translates into the INVITE URI. The number plan
and type are not converted, maybe only used to verify that a URI can be
composed of the called party number information, or, if it's an advanced
gateway, could select the URI format based on the plan and type, but I've
never seen that.
mixalis x. wrote:
Hello all,
I have an H323->SIP gateway and i'm trying to figure out how it maps the
"Called Party/Number plan/Number type" information element, found in the
original Q.931 setup message, to the SIP Invite message. I have the
traces from both the Q931 setup packet (where i can see the number
plan/number type) and the SIP Invite packet, but i cannot locate this
specific information inside the SIP message.
Any ideas?