Dear all,
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it in the archives.
I'm running Wireshark 0.99.5 (SVN Rev 20677) on:
Windows 2000 SP4, build 2195 with WinPCap version 4.0 (packet.dll version based on libpcap version 0.9.5, without AirPcap.
When I start Wireshark, if I select "Capture" -> "Start" I get a message about being unable to open the capture interface. I have gone in to the capture section of the preferences and set the Default Interface to the actual iterface but that doesn't seem to help.
What I have noticed though is that when I open the Capture Options dialog, the selected interface says something like:
\Device\Packet_{<long guid thingy>}
However, when I drop the box down and select the real thing (the one that works) it is listed as
<Name of the device>: \Device\NPF_{<same long guid thingy as above>}
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to sort this out?
John McCabe
Software Engineering
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