Tried it with current HEAD of master, still same event happens. Packet number seems to be 1, but packet scope assert fails. This will need a deeper look, so please file a bug report with relevant files attached so someone with time available can take a crack at it.
Thanks, Jaap
I compiled wireshark with disabled optimization and then created core file. Then I read core using command gdb /usr/local/wireshark/bin/wireshark core.20221 -ex "set pagination off" -ex bt -ex "bt full" -ex quit
This probably triggered an error hidden in the debug code of the VOIP dissector. Your define popped it up.
The error message says that a line of code tried to use a wmem scope when it's not active. Eg. It tries to allocate memory in the "file" scope when no files are open. You should use a debugger to see the previous line that triggered the error and see which scope the allocator is using and fix it.
I want debug VoIP conversation. To this I added "add_definitions(-DDEBUG_CONVERSATION)" into CMakeLists.txt and opened attached pcap file. After this created wireshark core.
with error ERROR:epan/wmem/wmem_core.c:38:wmem_alloc: assertion failed: (allocator->in_scope) Aborted (core dumped)