Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Getting a wireshark stack trace on Windows
From: Alexis La Goutte <alexis.lagoutte@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 09:28:52 +0200

pdb file is available (for stable release) in this page : http://www.wireshark.org/download/win32/all-versions/ (search Wireshark-pdb-win32-xxx.zip file)

I don't known if pdb is available for trunk release...

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 8:36 AM, Speck, Michael AVL/DE <Michael.Speck@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Evan,

basically you could use Microsoft's WinDbg, a free to use visual debugger. It is part of the Windows SDK, but could be installed as a standalone component by de-selecting all other features in the SDK installer. It could be downloaded from Microsoft's website at this URL: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/default.mspx

There are two possibilities to debug a program:
1.) Start the debugger and choose "Open Executable..." from File menu to run the program in question under debugger control from beginning or
2.) configure the debugger as post-mortem debugger that will catch up after a program crashed. You'll find a description on how to setup this mode in the online help of WinDbg (search indexs for "postmortem")

In order to get a stack trace that contains function names instead of just some addresses you need debug symbols of the crashed program and the libraries it uses. That could either be in a separate file (*.pdb) or included inside the binary. Take care to properly configure symbol pathes (File -> Symbol File Path...). If debug symbols are not available for all resources wouldn't be a problem.

best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Evan Huus
Sent: Donnerstag, 22. August 2013 21:02
To: Wireshark Developer List
Subject: [Wireshark-dev] Getting a wireshark stack trace on Windows

Could somebody who knows windows a little better take a look at bug #9062? I don't fully understand how our build environment interacts with windows debuggers / stack tracers. Is there a way to get a symbolic stack trace on Windows without compiling from source? Do the build-bot nightly packages include symbols?



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