On 2013-03-05, Guy Harris wrote:
> On Mar 5, 2013, at 5:39 AM, Christopher Merck <cmerck@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> I believe the correct way to proceed is to register a new dissector
> table along the lines of "llc.oui",
> I believe the correct way to proceed would be to add llc_add_oui() to
> the Lua API, so that Lua dissectors that need to handle a not-already-
> registered OUI can register that OUI, including a new dissector table
> for PIDs in that OUI, and then a dissector (no matter what language it's
> in) could register in that table.
I almost have this working. But what I don't understand is the fourth argument to llc_add_oui. That structure contains a list of PIDs to register and the table name. However, when I am registering the OUI I don't want to register any PIDs yet, and I have already specified the table_name as the second argument to llc_add_oui.
So, I'm trying to stuff some dummy data into hf_pid, but I get segfaults or assertion errors at runtime.
Any idea what I'm missing?
WSLUA_FUNCTION wslua_llc_add_oui(lua_State* LS) { /* registers a new OUI for LLC/SNAP purposes */
#define WSLUA_ARG_llc_add_oui_OUI 1 /* OUI to register */
#define WSLUA_ARG_llc_add_oui_TABLE_NAME 2 /* name of table to register, should be of the form: llc.<ouiname>_pid*/
#define WSLUA_ARG_llc_add_oui_TABLE_UI_NAME 3 /* name to display in GUI */
lua_Number oui = luaL_checknumber(LS,WSLUA_ARG_llc_add_oui_OUI);
const gchar* table_name = luaL_checkstring(LS,WSLUA_ARG_llc_add_oui_TABLE_NAME);
const gchar* table_ui_name = luaL_checkstring(LS,WSLUA_ARG_llc_add_oui_TABLE_UI_NAME);
const value_string oui_pid_vals[] = { { 0, NULL } };
gint hf_llc_oui_pid = -1;
hf_register_info hf_pid = {
{ "PID", NULL /*table_name*/,
FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, VALS(oui_pid_vals),
0x0, NULL, HFILL }
hf_pid.hfinfo.abbrev = table_name;
llc_add_oui(guint32 oui, const char *table_name, const char *table_ui_name,
hf_register_info *hf_item)
// TODO: What do to about the fourth argument?
llc_add_oui(oui, table_name, table_ui_name, &hf_pid);
return 0;
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