Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Protocol correctness analysis
From: Ilya Shvetsov <chvetsov@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 14:48:44 +0300

This sounds a bit like RTP. This is also analysed, through the use of the tapping mechanism. Have a look at README.tapping (IIRC) and look at the already available taps. 

Thank you, i will dig into it

But anyway i would like to clarify, what i really need.
So there is set of parameters in our packets, some of them are changed from packet to packet, some of them are not.

I'm looking for way to check, that all paramters was changed correctly.  Like if i have packet number, i would like to know whether this number increases monotonically or not. if not i would like to point user attention on this moment.

i hope, this sheds more light on what really i want
With best regards
Ilya 'Akhil' Shvetsov 

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On 19 apr. 2012, at 11:17, Ilya Shvetsov <chvetsov@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi, there!

I wroute my own dissector for our custom protocol. It works good. we are very satisfied with wireshark.

But now i have task to check our protocol for errors. we implemented reliable protocol over UDP, so we would like to check whether we have lost packet or not. whether all packet's sequences complete or not. and so on.

the question is what is the best way to implement this?
I think it will be good to start this task not during cap file opening, but by user request from menu? 
if this possible, can you point me documentation for this?

With best regards
Ilya 'Akhil' Shvetsov

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