Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Patch to Wireshark for RTPS packet dissector
From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 08:33:13 +0200

Best file two bug reports at https://bugs.wirehsark.org:
1. New RTPS dissector
2. New RTPS2 dissector
Explain what you've written here, and since they are complete rewrites / new attach the complete files (apart from the Makefile.common patch of course).
About the column I'm not sure. We're reluctant to add columns for every 
imaginable protocol field out there since this will explode. We're created the 
option of custom column, so if you can make sure that a simple display filter 
expression matches RTPS GUID (like rtps.guid maybe?) then a custom column will do.

Fabrizio Bertocci wrote:
In the last years at RTI we have been working a lot on the RTPS packet dissector distributed with Wireshark. The original RTPS (Real-Time Publish/Subscribe) packet dissector was developed by some students in some University as a collaboration project with our company, but it hasn't been updated for a long time. I would like to submit the changes we made to the community. About this I need an advise about the best way to do that. Here is a summary of changes I made to Wireshark: - The RTPS packet dissector has been rewritten from scratch to dissect RTPS 1.0 - 1.2 packets (the RTPS packet dissector shipped with wireshark can dissect only part of RTPS 1.0 packets). Files modified:
    - epan/dissectors/packet-rtps.h
    - epan/dissectors/packet-rtps.c
- Added another packet dissector (rtps2) to dissect RTPS 2.x packets. Files modified:
    - epan/dissectors/Makefile.common
  Files added:
    - epan/dissectors/packet-rtps2.h
    - epan/dissectors/packet-rtps2.c
- Added a column to wireshark ("%Gu") to give the option to show the RTPS GUID prefix in the packet table. Files changed:
    - epan/column_info.h
    - epan/column.c
    - epan/column_utils.c
    - epan/packet.c
    - epan/packet_info.h
Should I send the .diff files (for the individual files changed) to this mailing list, what about the new files? Regards,
Fabrizio Bertocci
Real-Time Innovations