I think that unless you explain a little better what you are trying to
do no one will be able to help you.
On 3/5/07, any.question@xxxxxxxxxx <any.question@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
i have start an plugin for wireshark 0.99.5
so i need a bit support to complete the plugin
my packet-foo.c is based at the void example in the devolper guide
i do it now static
- Example
=Foo, Version=, Culture=neutral, (is in the dump)
- with
proto_tree_add_item(foo_tree, hf_foo_version, tvb, 39, 7, FALSE);
- get i
Version: (is my output at this moment)
now i search for an dynamic version the will search the second "=" and get it to the next ","
can anyone help me please
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