This patch adds features allowing the user to:
a) Add arbitrary dissectors to the available lists in the “Decode
As” dialog; basically puts a UI on adding a dissector to the available
list in a dissector table.
b) Adds functionality analogous to dissector tables, but
instead of directing by field values, there is a list of display-filter /
sub-dissector pairs. A sub-dissector is called if the display filter is matched
by the packet.
c) Implements this new functionality for several “parent”
dissectors – IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP.
d) Implements this functionality for the data dissector,
giving a “last chance” to direct any unrecognised data.
e) Puts a UI on this, as well as a minimal Lua interface.
In short, this patch aims at giving the user a lot of power
to work with in odd cases; I guess it should be considered “expert”,
as some arbitrary combinations of dissectors may be fatal (e.g. forcing non-IP
data through TCP).
This is a biggish patch, so I have divided it into three:
Adds the core display-filter / sub-dissector functionality
and exposes some of it through Lua.
Extends the existing “Decode As” dialog, and
adds new dialogs for adding arbitrary dissectors to the “Decode As”
dialog, and setting up filter-based dissection. This patch depends on the “epan”
Updates to the user guide for this functionality.
Douglas Pratley
t +44 845 050 7640 | f
+44 845 644 5436
a Detica | PO
Box 383 | Horley | Surrey | RH6 7WX | UK