Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Anyone of the developers going to support Win98 (and alike)
From: "Thomas Steffen" <steffen.list.account@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 21:15:03 +0200
On 8/29/06, Stephen Fisher <stephentfisher@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I installed Wireshark/Ethereal from Darwin Ports so it took care of the
dependencies, then I laid out my source code to develop with.
Exactly. If you don't like to mess with dependencies yourself, use a
tool that covers them. The obvious choice for Mac OS X is fink, but it
is not the only one.

I know that Mac users like to have a filesystem image for each
program, that starts when you clip on it. But this approach ignores
the inherent complexity of dependencies by just using copies. If you
want to do this anyway, it would be an interesting exercise to package
Wireshark with the required libraries in an image (starting from
fink?). Unfortunately, libgtk really does not like being relocated, so
you may need some path name magic to get it work.
