Wireshark-commits: [Wireshark-commits] master 95325a2: hsms: Fix conflict for hf fields
From: Wireshark code review <code-review-do-not-reply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2016 16:52:51 +0000 (UTC)
URL: https://code.wireshark.org/review/gitweb?p=wireshark.git;a=commit;h=95325a2e399d86b67a04f13dccbcdfdabe192087
Submitter: Michael Mann (mmann78@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Changed: branch: master
Repository: wireshark


95325a2 by Alexis La Goutte (alexis.lagoutte@xxxxxxxxx):

    hsms: Fix conflict for hf fields
    'hsms.data.item.value' exists multiple times with NOT compatible types: FT_BOOLEAN and FT_BYTES
    'hsms.data.item.value' exists multiple times with NOT compatible types: FT_STRING and FT_BOOLEAN
    'hsms.data.item.value' exists multiple times with NOT compatible types: FT_INT64 and FT_STRING
    'hsms.data.item.value' exists multiple times with NOT compatible types: FT_INT8 and FT_INT64
    'hsms.data.item.value' exists multiple times with NOT compatible types: FT_DOUBLE and FT_INT32
    'hsms.data.item.value' exists multiple times with NOT compatible types: FT_UINT64 and FT_FLOAT
    'hsms.data.item.value' exists multiple times with NOT compatible types: FT_UINT8 and FT_UINT64
    Change-Id: I83697e72ebfa4e164178141d789c4ca2d9d09db0
    Reviewed-on: https://code.wireshark.org/review/18887
    Petri-Dish: Michael Mann <mmann78@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Benjamin Parzella <bparzella@xxxxxxxxx>
    Tested-by: Petri Dish Buildbot <buildbot-no-reply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Reviewed-by: Michael Mann <mmann78@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Actions performed:

    from  01d1abc   uftp4: fix last argument of proto_tree_add_item
    adds  95325a2   hsms: Fix conflict for hf fields

Summary of changes:
 epan/dissectors/packet-hsms.c |   26 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)