Wireshark-commits: [Wireshark-commits] rev 44027: /trunk/ /trunk/epan/dissectors/: packet-nbap.c pa
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2012 08:15:21 GMT

User: etxrab
Date: 2012/07/26 01:15 AM

 From Jacob Nordgren and Rishie Sharma:
 - RRC now configures logical channels in HS-DSCH hs, and some HSDSCH common support added 
 - RLC: modifed memory management, MAC: dch would set the incorrect logical channel for RLC

Directory: /trunk/epan/dissectors/
  Changes    Path                 Action
  +125 -47   packet-nbap.c        Modified
  +2 -2      packet-nbap.h        Modified
  +25 -22    packet-rlc.c         Modified
  +5 -0      packet-rlc.h         Modified
  +114 -15   packet-rrc.c         Modified
  +6 -1      packet-rrc.h         Modified
  +346 -65   packet-umts_fp.c     Modified
  +14 -2     packet-umts_fp.h     Modified
  +127 -10   packet-umts_mac.c    Modified
  +1 -0      packet-umts_mac.h    Modified

(6 files not shown)