Wireshark-commits: [Wireshark-commits] rev 44011: /trunk/plugins/wimaxmacphy/ /trunk/plugins/wimaxm
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 20:37:48 GMT

User: wmeier
Date: 2012/07/25 01:37 PM

 - Call dissector_add-handle() so protocol is
   available under UDP 'decode as';
 - Back out use of extended value strings (added in SVN #43942);
    'tshark -G values' on Windows gives a warning as
    to 'Invalid value_string_ext ptr'.
    Issue: On Windows, value_string_ext validation code always
          fails for extended value strings in plugins.
          (Something todo with the linkage mechanism).

Directory: /trunk/plugins/wimaxmacphy/
  Changes    Path                    Action
  +16 -0     packet-wimaxmacphy.c    Modified