Wireshark-commits: [Wireshark-commits] rev 20647: /trunk/ /trunk/: tshark.c
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:01:15 GMT

User: morriss
Date: 2007/01/31 06:01 AM

 Don't send G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR|G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL|G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL|G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION to log_func_ignore() so that error messages from g_assert() get printed (by glib's default handler).  Without this change developers only get a message saying the program aborted and maybe (if they're lucky^H^H^H^H^Hconfigured correctly) a core file.  The latter would allow them to find out what went wrong but it would be much easier to just see the error message.

Directory: /trunk/
  Changes    Path          Action
  +1 -4      tshark.c      Modified