Wireshark-commits: [Wireshark-commits] rev 18237: /trunk/tools/ /trunk/tools/: asn2wrs.py
Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 12:59:35 GMT
User: kukosa
Date: 2006/05/29 12:59 PM

 - new directive #.VIRTUAL_ASSGN - making assign from type of any filed
 - new directive #.SET_TYPE - enforce type for field
 - T_... name is based on renamed field (if present) instead of original one
 - report unused #.FN_HDR, #.FN_BODY, #.FN_FTR
 - new directive #.TF_RENAME - renames type and field together
 (example of usage will follow in H225 and H245 dissectors)

Directory: /trunk/tools/
  Changes    Path          Action
  +80 -14    asn2wrs.py    Modified