Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.
Are there any routers in the path between
host devices using NAT or TCP intercept? From:
[mailto:ethereal-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Oscar Esquivel hi everybody...this is my problem: I got a LAN(with the network 11.1.2.x and OS like
winXP,2000 and 98) that tries to connect to a WAN site (Servers 10.1.1.x)
using aplications like sql(tcp 1433) and http(tcp 80). The connections are stablished, but suddenly and without any
aparently problem, the users lost connection to the WAN site. But if I keep an extended ping to the WAN site , I never
loss the connection. so, thats why I captured the traffic that pass through the
Cisco Router1700 and I found this messages. I dont know for sure if this
frames captured by ethereal means a I would really appreciate if
you help me, cause right now, all what we can do to to solve the problem
temporaly , is to reset the Servers...after this everything works fine for
a couple of hours, until the problem shows up again. I´m sending you the .cap attached... Basicly, what I see its too many RST ps. I dont know for sure if .cap files are permitted through
this mailing list... I would really appreciate any help...
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