Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] UDP Packets everywhere

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From: Saurabh Bhasin <sbhasin@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 22:04:35 -0700
Appears to be some sort of multicast. Do you have any applications
that do/run type of streaming service?

On 5/31/05, Paul.White@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<Paul.White@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all.. I am new to Ethereal so please excuse my lack of knowledge.  I am
> also unsure if this is the right list for this kind of question, if not can
> someone point me in the right direction?? 
> A slow network lead me to install Ethereal and see if it could find the
> problem.  When I did the first capture I saw 70% UDP packets all of which
> looked like the following:- 
> Source  :  (most PCs on our network) 
> Destination :   (always) 
> Protocol :   UDP 
> Source port :  1117 (appears to be random, not always 1117) 
> Destination port :  47713  (always) 
> Length 71 
> Can anyone help?  I have slowed it a bit by implementing filtering on our
> switch but while that stops the broadcasts it still slows the PCs.  No
> viruses or spyware found either. 
> I have attached a text file with 2 packets exported from Ethereal. 
> Thanks 
> Paul
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