Ethereal-users: RE: [Ethereal-users] RTP Parse Header (file ..)

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Anders Broman (AL/EAB)" <anders.broman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 09:46:55 +0100
"Right clicking" the UDP packet selecting "decode as" and RTP the packet dissects as:
Real-Time Transport Protocol
    10.. .... = Version: RFC 1889 Version (2)
    ..0. .... = Padding: False
    ...0 .... = Extension: False
    .... 0001 = Contributing source identifiers count: 1
    0... .... = Marker: False
    .010 0001 = Payload type: MPEG-II transport streams (33)
    Sequence number: 100
    Timestamp: 1
    Synchronization Source identifier: 0
    Contributing Source identifiers
        CSRC item 0: 1
    Payload: 0000005F760000006D00000001000000A470
Best regards
-----Original Message-----
From: ethereal-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ethereal-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Jérôme branly
Sent: den 2 februari 2005 15:26
To: ethereal-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Ethereal-users] RTP Parse Header (file ..)

Excuse me .. with file ...
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 3:24 PM
Subject: RTP Parse Header

Hi ,
I  to send  RTP Packets Header correctly   but I do not find a parse valid
( see attach file )
Version of RTP  = 2
Timestamp = 1
SeqNumber  = 100
CC and CSRC = 1
payload = 33
ssrc = 0
I don't understand why that is not posted.
Thanks you for response please .

Branly Jérôme

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