Ethereal-users: [Ethereal-users] Basic Question

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: RODRIGO MARTINEZ <rodrigo_martinez_silva@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 15:36:55 +0100 (BST)
I know it's a basic question, sorry.
My question: Do you know if there are some third part
software (or even Ethereal) that do something like an
"Expert Diagnostics" like Sniffer (Network Associed)
More explain ahead.
A .- If I see a lot Netbios broadcast in a network,
perhaps means that:
Expert Diagnostics
1.- we need put a WINS server in order to solve
brodcast, or, 
2.- we need make VLans over Switches.

B.- If I see a duplicate Ip means:
Expert Diagnostics
1.- that we need include this ip to a DHCP server like
an static ip.
2.- that you are an stupid and you don't have any idea
that what happens with your network, go to school .
(sorry, joke.)

Above are some (poor) examples, but I think that you
alrady get the picture.
Thank in advance.

PS : ups, sorry I stain the thread "Q931 NonStandardControl".

*       Rodrigo  Martínez Silva                 
*            Cel.:9-9673743                  
*  rodrigo_martinez_silva@xxxxxxxxx   
*  rodrigo_martinez_silva@xxxxxxxxxxx

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