Ethereal-users: RE: [Ethereal-users] gtk assertion failures

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "BROWN, JAMES C" <JBROW91@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 14:31:59 -0500

I tried that three times, (Opening the program then closing it and
re-opening it), and I still got the dos window opening.  I went so far as to
actually capture and view packets with the same result.  I then went through
the screens trying each different setting with none making any difference
except the checking of the box and applying/saving the settings.  The next
time I started Ethereal it worked fine (w/o the dos window).  I'm running XP
and it might be somewhat different for something else.

I appreciate your responses to the questions as many have helped me out.
Keep it up!

Ethereal user,
James C. Brown

-----Original Message-----
From: Guy Harris [mailto:gharris@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 2:24 PM
To: Ethereal user support
Subject: Re: [Ethereal-users] gtk assertion failures

Richard Urwin said:
> On Saturday 10 Jul 2004 3:36 pm, BROWN, JAMES C wrote:
>> I had the same issue and tried several things.  Here is what will
>> correct this problem.
>> Leave the dos windows open and go to Ethereal and select EDIT :
>> PREFRENCES. In this window there is a box labeled SAVE WINDOW
>> POSITION.  Select the check box next to it; click APPLY, click SAVE
>> and you won't have this problem again.

...and you'll also have Ethereal remember the size of the main window, and
use that size the next time it runs, rather than using its default size,
which many would consider too small (but others, with small displays,
might not consider it too small).  Many would consider remembering the
window size a feature in and of itself (I certainly do).

In fact, from a look at the code, saving the window size is the *default*
behavior, which means that, for most users, merely exiting Ethereal
(*WITHOUT* closing the DOS window) and restarting it should fix the
problem (as the main window height should then be saved, so that the
negative default value for the main window height, which was causing the
problem, should be overwritten with the saved window height).

The current CVS tree has a fix, which

    1) makes the default main window height be the same as the default
used in other places;

    2) catches and ignores negative saved window height and width values
(in case somebody's manually tweaked the file in which they're saved,
or bogus values were written to the file in some other way);

    3) doesn't set the main window size if the specified height *or* width
are negative;

so the next release shouldn't have this problem.

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