Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Follow this SCTP Association

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Michael Tuexen <Michael.Tuexen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 21:19:18 +0100
Hi Sal,

currently such a feature is not available in ethereal. I'm planing to
implement it, but it is not that easy as in the TCP case, From one
packet you can not construct a filter, because you do not know all
IP addresses of the peers. Supporting the ADDIP extension makes it
much more complex. But hopefully I will implement something soon. I'm
currently updating the SCTP dissector module.

Best regards

On Thursday, Mar 20, 2003, at 14:56 Europe/Berlin, S. Faizi wrote:

Ethereal has a feature to "follow this TCP Connection" for TCP. I wanted to know if there is a similar feature available for SCTP. Does the Display filter have variables to do allow one to follow all the data captured on a particular SCTP association. How would I do this. I am using ethreal 0.9.8.
