Ethereal-users: [Ethereal-users] issue with giop syncscope value

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 17:25:00 +0100
Hello everybody,
I am new on this tool which seems to be very convenient and complete
but I have a problem on decoding one giop request header (response flags).

from CORBA3.0 specification :
"response_flags is set to 0x0 for a SyncScope of NONE and
WITH_TRANSPORT. The flag is set to 0x1 for a SyncScope of
WITH_SERVER. A non exception reply to a request message containing a
response_flags value of 0x1 should contain an empty body, i.e. the
equivalent of
a void operation with no out/inout parameters. The flag is set to 0x3 for a
SyncScope of WITH_TARGET. These values ensure interworking compatibility
between this and previous versions of GIOP."
In packet-giop.c :
        static const value_string sync_scope[] = {
              { 0x0, "SYNC_NONE" },
              { 0x1, "SYNC_WITH_TRANSPORT"},
              { 0x2, "SYNC_WITH_SERVER"},
              { 0x3, "SYNC_WITH_TARGET"},
              { 0, NULL}};

This is quite different.

Can you confirm that
and say to me how can I correct that in Ethereal

Nicolas de Montbel
Alcatel Lannion,France