Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Update the FAQ request and Feature Request

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Guy Harris <gharris@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 16:11:10 -0700
On Wed, Sep 25, 2002 at 05:39:10PM -0700, james jones wrote:
> Q 5.22 in the FAQ seems to be fixed in WinPcap 3.0
> alpha 2. If someone wants to update the FAQ...
> "Q 5.22: I'm capturing packets on {Windows 95, Windows
> 98, Windows Me}; why are the time stamps on packets
> wrong?
> A: This is due to a bug in WinPcap. A future release
> of WinPcap will fix that bug."

3.0 is arguably still a "future release", but I'll update the FAQ at
some point (I am still digging through the 800+ e-mail messages that
arrived while I was out of town for two weeks, *and* I have a bunch of
other stuff to do now that I'm back as well) to note that 3.0 alpha
fixes the bug (but is an alpha release, so you should be prepared to
encounter other bugs - *AND* to help the WinPcap developers out with
fixing the bug).

> I also have a feature request.. Would it be possible
> to have an option where when the user "right clicks"
> on a packet to have the Contents of the Stream to Open
> in a new window or even the entire stream...

What do you mean by "contents of the stream"?  Are you referring to the
"Follow TCP Stream" menu item?  If so, note that it *IS* available as an
item on the right-click menu in the topmost pane.