I'm successfully using conversation to store data about packets dissected :
So, for instance if 'packet A' cointains the OPCODE and 'packet A1'
parameters I can easily relate one another. Since conversation_t structure
as a GList pointer to the data added I've solved also
the following issue:
A B A1 B1
time ------> (B follows A, A1 follows B and so on)
What I do is to use g_slist_find_custom () with an appropriate
GCompareFunc() and find for the packet I need (then if A1 comes after B it's
still dissected correctedly)
But I was wondering whether I actually needed a conversation to do this. I
mean, isn't it simpler to just define a global GList and put info into it?
(A global GList should keep opcode infoes permanently during the dissect
phase, if i m not shamely wrong:- ) ).
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