On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 10:04:15AM +0100, bartvdb wrote:
> The modifications are extra options with associated data. Should I
> modify the IP dissector (in packet-ip.c) or is there cleaner way to do
> this? Would modifying this dissector require me to put the entire newly
> compiled Ethereal distribution on all PCs I'd like to have this
> functionality?
Yes, you need to modify packeeet-ip.c and yes, you'll need to update the
ethereal packages on all machines that are to profit from the new code
> Can this be done with a plugin? That would seriously simplify
> distribution...
> PS I've created a dissector plugin for the RUDE packet generator, which
> I might clean up and post later on.
Go ahead :-)
> PPS I'm using the ethereal_0.10.8-0.backports.org.1 binary and
> associated source files on Debian Woody. I guess I'll have to checkout
> the SVN trunk and modify that one before I post any of my
> additions/modifications?
That would definitely be the preferred way, otherwise someone has to
port your patch to the current source base.
> PPPS Why do I have to backup (copy) the libtool created by
> `./configure`, run `make` (which results in errors in libtool), restore
> the backed up libtool and run make again for a successfull build? Does
> this have something to do with modification dates?
Hmm, interesting. Does running ./autogen.sh to generate your own
instance of configure etc cause problems?
Oh, you will need to regenerate configure whenever you modify
acinclude.m4 or configure.in
Joerg Mayer <jmayer@xxxxxxxxx>
We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that
works. Some say that should read Microsoft instead of technology.