Some initial comments :
1, do not use C++ style comments. not all compilers we use support // comments.
2, do not put value_string definitions in the header file, put them
in the .c file
3, the cimd_rinfo[] structure has NULL where there should be a
pointer to the hf_index
declare proper hf_index fields and use them.
4, you have a lot of arrays declared in the ehader file, move all
these to the .c file
5, you use separate arrays for the values and the strings such as
cimd_vals_PC / cimd_vals_PC_explained.
Rewrite this ald replace all such constructs with a proper
value_string grep for value_string to see how they are used.
can you start by doing these changes and resubmit and i will rereview
the patch.
there are a bunch of other things need fixing too but start with
these 5 items.
On 8/17/05, Piros Lucian <lpiros@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Lucian Piros and i'm from Romania. I would like to contribute
> to ethereal with a new dissector - cimd dissector. CIMD stands for
> Computer Interface to Message Distribution and it's used to transfer
> short messages between applications and Nokia Short Message Service
> Center.
> Please find the diff output in the attachment. If you find something
> wrong or if you have comments/questions please let me know.
> Thank you and best regards,
> Piros Lucian <lpiros@xxxxxxxxx>
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