Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Comments and traces regarding new dissector - packet-extreme.

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Jim Young" <SYSJHY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 07:34:07 -0400
Hello Joerg,

>>> Joerg Mayer <jmayer@xxxxxxxxx> 08/17/05 6:02 AM >>>
> as fas as I'm concerned the extreme dissector has reached its final stage.
> The traces you sent have been a great help during testing. Many Thanks!
> So if you'd like me to do some changes, please test the current version and
> let me know. Also, in case you manage to find out some of the questions that
> I mention in the TODO section let me know. Could the EDP type 0x0e be related
> to EAPSv2? Which other Extreme proprietary stuff might be turned on?

I just grabbed the Windows Buildbot version 15385 .  It's
pretty dang close to prime time.  (Heck, I'd already been 
taking advantage of the the earlier versions!).

I really like how useful the TLV summaries are without having 
to expand the TLVs completely.

I have the following comments:

1)  The port number reported sometime appears to be broken.
(Both in the collapsed and exanded forms).  In frame 5 of 
the eaps.mirror2.trace file, I was connected to slot 8 port 60.   
Buildbot 15385 reports this as "P: 8/1793" in the collapsed TLV 
view, and "Port: 1793" in the expanded TLV view.  The hex 
values of the port value (at offset 0x2c of the frame) contains 
the value 0x003b.  It doesn't look like a simple endinesss 
problem (i.e. (0x3b00 + 1 == 15105) which does not equal 
1793).  I won't have a chance to  look at the source to see what 
might be the problem until much later today.  But I'm sure you'll 
have it fixed long before then (if it's not fixed already!).

2)  Regarding the collapsed version of the Info TLV.  I know
we often don't want to be too verbose, but is "P:" and "V:"
for these two elements a little too terse? ;-)  

Rather than display the two elements contained within the 
Info TLV as:

   +  Info: P: 8/60 V:  11.2.2

Would it be more useful (especially for the less knowledgable)
for this data to be reported as:

   +  Info: Slot/Port: 8/1793, Version: 11.2.2

3)  Regarding the display of the Version element of the Info
TLV would it be useful to include all four octets of the version
component including the "Internal" value?  

Instead of displaying the Version as:

  +  Info: Slot/Port: 8/1793, Version: 11.2.2

Would it be better to display as:

  +  Info: Slot/Port: 8/1793, Version:

This would make the Version value displayed by Ethereal
consistant with what somebody running the XOS software
and doing a "show edp ports all detail" would see on the CLI.

Under XOS the neighbor's software version is reported as 
      Software version:

FWIW: A "show edp" command running on ExtremeWare 
software does NOT expose the "Internal" octet of the 
neighbor's software version via the CLI.  Under ExtremeWare
the neighbor's software version is appended to the system
"Display" TLV value and reported as:

     Remote-system: MYROUTER (Version: 11.2.2)

4)  Regarding the 0x0e TLV type.  I don't know if this is an
EAPSv2 thing or something else.  Over the next day of
so I'm hoping to get a few more "mirror" traces from some 
my EAPS enabled interfaces.  Maybe then I'll be able to 
detremine if this is related to EAPS or an indication of the
presence of some other Extreme proprietary protocol.

Again thanks again for ALL your effort towards the 
packet-extreme dissector.

Best regrads,

Jim Young