just two things:
> I think that the RTP streams' window 'auto-refresh' is a good idea, but
> it should become an option. Indeed, when monitoring ~ 50-60 streams
> while capturing, scanning took nearly one second, and it is refreshed
> every second, so one has no time at all to select a stream to analyse.
> Solution: either provide a button to stop refreshing, or an option to
> specify delay between two refreshs, or refresh only when a button is
> pressed ? BTW, when you begin RTP streams analysis while capturing,
> window is refreshed, right, but it keeps refreshing when you stop
> capturing. That would be great if refreshing stopped too.
Well, i think it does one other tap-run over the whole capture file after
you press stop.
But then it should come to a halt.
And the RTP streams window 'refresh' wasnt supposed to work well for live
capturing in the beginning. It is rather a side-effect.
But we will think about your proposals.
> I once also noticed some /negative/ packet loss count in the same
> window. I'll try to reproduce that with my captures, if I succeed I'll
> try to repair it.
That's possible and not really broken but rather a consequence of the lost
packets algorithm as defined by the RTP/RTCP RFC, which Ethereal implements.
It counts retransmitted packets as negative losses.
Lars Ruoff.