We might want to implement it as textfile that ethereal reads at startup and
then uses to populate the
field structs appropriately according to what is found in that text file.
This allows users to experiment and expand the file without needing to
recompile ethereal every time.
or anyway. it is is all implementation details. the important thing is
that IF we think it is a useful idea
it would be useful to do a test/prototype implementation and see how it
works out.
we should however perhaps avoid adding click links to go straight to
to not ethereal them.
(there are a fair number of users ritgth now for ethereal. should we add
links to webpages where the standards are
with possibly etherealing them or should we provide most of the more
common/interesting rfc's in that case as locally installed files together
with the distro?)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ulf Lamping"
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 9:01 PM
Subject: RE: [Ethereal-dev] Usability enhancement
Ethereal development <ethereal-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx> schrieb am 16.02.04
> |From: Ronnie Sahlberg
> |
> |List,
> |
> |A friend recently suggested to me an enhancement he
> |thought would be useful in Ethereal:
> |
> |When we right click on an entry in the dissect pane,
> |add another item to thepopup-menu called something
> |like "Protocol Information" or something.
> |This would then (for those protocols where it has
> |been defined) a small dialog with a brief description
> |of the protocol and possibly a pointer to where more
> |information/the specification can be found.
> Join the Club :) I was thinking about the very same thing. First I thought
> about doing this within the proto_register_protocol() framework, but maybe
> we could do it in a simpler manner by adding a protocols subdirectory in
> doc directory and write a small text file per protocol. If the file is
> present, then we're able to present a brief description of this protocol.
> How we then link the content of those files to Ethereal, is another
> discussion. We could generate stuff at compile time, or read in those
> descriptions at runtime etc.
> Fire your comments!
In my experience it's better to have one place of all available information
about a specific thing.
So I tend to put this into the proto-xy.c file, rather than having a new
text file at a completely different place.
This will make it more obvious to the developer to put some reasonable text
into it.
Regards, ULFL
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