On Dec 22, 2003, at 3:56 PM, Richard Sharpe wrote:
I think that it would be better if:
1. I could come up with one spec file
2. I built three packages, ethereal-no-snmp, ethereal-net-snmp,
ethereal-ucd-snmp, which installed everything. This will simplify the
installation decisions for people.
Does anyone have any opinions on this?
What if somebody wants to install only Tethereal on a system that lacks
X11? (Presumably that's why there are ethereal-base and ethereal-gtk+
Also, can anyone point me at resources that can teach me how to build
three packages from one SPEC file?
Nothing obvious showed up on the www.rpm.org site for the type of
"three packages" you're trying to build; there are subpackages:
but that doesn't sounds as if it's intended for building multiple
variants of what's essentially the *same* package.
However, it might let you have a master "ethereal" package that
installs everything, or maybe "ethereal" (which installs Ethereal and
Tethereal but not any of the GNOMR or KDE desktop stuff),
"ethereal-kde" ("ethereal" + KDE desktop stuff), and "ethereal-gnome"
("ethereal" + GNOME desktop stuff), with a "tethereal" package just
installing Tethereal and the stuff it requires, and "ethereal" having
"tethereal" as a dependency.
An alternative might be to have a single ethereal.spec.in file with
conditionals in it, expanded by cpp or M4 or something such as that,
and generating multiple output ethereal.spec files
(ethereal-no-snmp.spec, ethereal-net-snmp.spec, ethereal-ucd-snmp.spec)
from that.
BTW, should the spec file or files being used be checked into
"packaging/rpm/SPECS"? The current ethereal.spec.in is more than a
year old; I assume it doesn't reflect the current packaging.