Title: Small typo in iSCSI
I noticed this while reviewing the iSCSI dissector:
Index: packet-iscsi.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/ethereal/packet-iscsi.c,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -u -c -r1.40 packet-iscsi.c
cvs server: conflicting specifications of output style
*** packet-iscsi.c 2002/09/26 08:20:22 1.40
--- packet-iscsi.c 2002/11/14 16:29:01
*** 403,409 ****
{0x0101, "Target moved temporarily"},
{0x0102, "Target moved permanently"},
{0x0200, "Initiator error (miscellaneous error)"},
! {0x0201, "Athentication failed"},
{0x0202, "Authorisation failure"},
{0x0203, "Target not found"},
{0x0204, "Target removed"},
--- 403,409 ----
{0x0101, "Target moved temporarily"},
{0x0102, "Target moved permanently"},
{0x0200, "Initiator error (miscellaneous error)"},
! {0x0201, "Authentication failed"},
{0x0202, "Authorisation failure"},
{0x0203, "Target not found"},
{0x0204, "Target removed"},
Andrew C. Esh mail:Andrew.Esh@xxxxxxxxxxx
Tricord Systems, Inc.
2905 Northwest Blvd., Suite 20 763-557-9005 (main)
Plymouth, MN 55441-2644 USA 763-551-6418 (direct)
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