Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] is cfile.plist at all filled in in tethereal?

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: John McDermott <jjm@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 14:57:43 -0600

Just an idea that I've been toying with for some time: Ideally the
statistics should be generated for every protocol, not just a few ones
and they should be one pass so that tethereal can use them too.
In order to reduce the effort involved, this should either be done
automatically, i.e. without changeing existing dissectors or in a
manner that allows the necessary changes to the dissectors to be
done via a script.

As long as we're making suggestions, I'd like to see some way to configure what shows up in that window (or in the list printed by tethereal). Maybe a command line list like
 --show-stats IP,TCP,SNMP,H.323 (or a shorter name for those of us
				who like single char opts better...)
One could get even more general and have x slots with filters so a user could show the number of IPv4-TCP SYNs and the number of IPv6-TCP SYNS. Of course, that would mean evaluating up to X filters which might slow the code down significantly. As an aside, I seldom look at the stats window when capturing live. I generally only use it as a summary. Maybe one option is to be able to turn it off when capturing and then do the processing at the end.

My USD0.02

John McDermott
Writer, Educator, Consultant
V +1 505/377-6293 F +1 505/377-6313