On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 04:57:48PM +0200, Miha Jemec wrote:
> How would it be now possible the get for example the SSRC information from
> the RTP header?
Well, there aren't yet any examples of that in Ethereal, but the code in
"proto_hier_stats.c" can give some hints.
"ph_stats_new()" has something similar to what your main loop, scanning
through the packets, would do.
"process_frame()" does something similar to what your code above was
doing, but it uses its own data variables rather than those in the
"capture_file" structure - you should probably do the same as
"process_tree()" actually scans the protocol tree; "process_node()"
processes a single node of the tree.
If you want to get a field with a particular name, you'd call
"proto_registrar_get_byname()", passing it the field name. It returns
either NULL (if no field with that name exists) or a "header_field_info *"
for that field.
If, in your routine equivalent to "process_node()" (which you could just
call "process_node()", as the one in "proto_hier_stats.c" is static),
you'd compare that "header_field_info *" with "finfo->hfinfo", where
"finfo" would be "PITEM_FINFO(ptree_node)" and "ptree_node()" would be
the first argument to your routine. If they're equal, you've found a
protocol tree node for that field (note that there might be more than
one such node in a protocol tree, if the dissector can put more than one
A "field_info" structure has an "fvalue_t *" that points to a structure
containing the value of the field. If the field is an unsigned integral
value, as "rtp.ssrc" is, you can call "fvalue_get_integer()" on that
"fvalue_t", and it'll return a "guint32" that's the value of that field.