On 7 July 2002, Guy Harris <gharris@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:02:19PM +0300, Liviu Daia wrote:
> > Trying to change the "column.format" preference from the command
> > line in ethereal and tethereal results in a segfault.
> You can set that from the command line?
There's no reason for not being able to do it. In fact, there's
little difference between "column.format" and other kinds of items, the
machinery already in place can handle changing it on the fly without any
modification, it only needs some minor bookkeeping in order to keep the
main copy in synch. I suppose that's proof of a well written piece of
code. :-)
> Cool. (I guess I accidentally implemented that when making it
> possible to set protocol preference items from the command line. It's
> a bit of a pain to set it from the command line, as you have to set it
> to the same sort of comma-separated list of titles and formats that
> you have in the preferences file, but it's useful.)
My main motivation for delving into all this was actually to have
a tool more flexible than tcpdump for monitoring life traffic in the
console. Towards that end, having to fill in a list of titles and
formats for tethereal was only a minor annoyance. In the same vein, a
few cool text-only additions would be:
(1) a more flexible display format for %something formats, including
width fields and static text (right now static text seems to be
ignored in formats);
(2) color highlighting of the various fields, using curses;
(3) a way to display packet contents more terse than "-x", say
None of these should be excruciatingly hard to code.
> > The patch below seems to fix this problem;
> Checked in.
Liviu Daia
Dr. Liviu Daia e-mail: Liviu.Daia@xxxxxxx
Institute of Mathematics web page: http://www.imar.ro/~daia
of the Romanian Academy PGP key: http://www.imar.ro/~daia/daia.asc