> Anybody got some true-blue NetXray captures I could
> compare to the Sniffer captures I have as I try to sort this
> out?
I have a capture, but not one I can send; however, the header has (all
objects represented in the correct byte order, rather than
Magic number: "XCP\0"
version: "001.000\0"
start_time: 0x32a36525
nframes: 0x0000a213 (which means you probably wouldn't want
me to send it anyway, unless you
have a really big mail spool :-))
xxx: 0x02000000
start_offset: 0x00000080
end_offset: 0x0084cc32
xxy[0]: 0x00000000
xxy[1]: 0x00000000
xxy[2]: 0x02000000
network: 0x00000000 (Ethernet)
xxz[0]: 0x00
xxz[1]: 0x00
xxz[2]: 0x00
xxz[3]: 0x00
xxz[4]: 0x00
xxz[5]: 0x00
timelo: 0xfef98247
timehi: 0x00000b5c
next word: 0x05f5e100 (assuming it's a 32-bit word)
and then a whole bunch more 0's.
> There are 22 bytes in the NetXray header that the current
> dissector doesn't understand. Of those, I see 9 bytes that
> change across the v2.1 NetXray capture files I have, so those
> can't be a timescale selector. If I align the changing values
> to 4 bytes where it more or less makes sense, I can eliminate
> another 3 bytes from the candidates.
> If I just make a wild guess, I'd say it's in the 45th byte after
> the magic cookie at the file's start.
After "XCP\0", that is? That's one of the xxz fields, which is 0 in the
NetXRay 1.0 capture above. A 1.1 capture I have has:
Magic number: "XCP\0"
version: "001.100\0"
start_time: 0x36d71e15
nframes: 0x0000064b
xxx: 0x00040000
start_offset: 0x0x00000080
end_offset: 0x0003fff3
xxy[0]: 0x0003ff6c
xxy[1]: 0x00000000
xxy[2]: 0x00040000
network: 0x0001 (Token Ring)
xxz[0]: 0x00
xxz[1]: 0x00
xxz[2]: 0x00
xxz[3]: 0x00
xxz[4]: 0x00
xxz[5]: 0x00
timelo: 0x00000000
timehi: 0x00000000
next word: 0x00f42400
and a whole bunch of 0's.
> In the v2.1 caps I have, that
> byte has a value of 2, whereas the v1.1 format that ethereal writes
> puts a 0 there.
It's 0 in both of the NetXRay/Windows Sniffer captures I checked.
(BTW, "next word" is 100,000,000 in the Ethernet capture and 16,000,000
in the Token Ring capture; if the Ethernet capture was on Fast Ethernet,
that might be the line speed in bits/second.)