On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 11:28:44AM -0500, LISA M REDEKOP wrote:
> I am interested in adding a dissection for the
> real audio protocol.
> I know that the initial handshake from client to real
> audio takes place on TCP port 7070, at which point
> further conversation is on UCP ports 6970 - 7170.
> I was hoping to use these facts to dissect real audio
> packets.
> My questions are:
> To your knowledge, has there been any work done on
> dissecting real audio packets?
None other than the current RTSP/RTCP/RTP dissectors, which dissect
publicly-described standard protocols; there may be other stuff that
Real does that they don't publish.
> Would the developpers at Ethereal consider adding
> real audio to the list of packets?
If somebody were to supply a dissector for Real's various proprietary
protocols, we'd probably be willing to put the dissector in (presumably,
the dissector would be built by reverse-engineering, not by, say, using
any Real documents with restrictions such as NDA's on them).
> Can you point me in any directions regarding where
> to find information about real audio packets and
> what distinguishes them from the others?
has some information on Real's protocols, but not a lot of details. You
may have to do a fair bit of reverse-engineering on the protocols.
> Do you have any tips or suggestions before I begin
> to add a packet-realaudio to the already existing
> ethereal source code?
Look at the RTSP, RTCP, and RTP specifications; Real might use some of
those protocols:
RTSP: RFC 2326