Perhaps we should remove them from "Display" in 0.8.5.
I am making tiny modifications to ethereal for my own use, &
I have submitted a patch for the WAP dissector. Since there have
been no responses to that, I assume that there is no interest, so I
shall continue on my own until I have something worth public
In the meantime, here a few patches which I have found useful,
and might want to be considered by those working on release 0.8.5.
I have found that it is quite easy to give bad hfindex or value
parameters to the proto_add* functions & I have beefed up the
assertions and error checking.
In my view the code for handling FT_BYTES in _proto_tree_add_item_value
is barely legal as it copies to NULL when length is zero.
My linker points out that I have three copies of popup_menu_object in
libgui.a, but I can't see the cause of this & I don't believe that it does
any harm.
Description: Binary data
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