Ethereal-dev: Re: [ethereal-dev] Standards in decode routines
Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.
From: Gilbert Ramirez <gramirez@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 22:25:27 -0600
On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 11:20:47AM +0900, Richard Sharpe wrote: > Hi folks, > > I have insinuated my way onto the team by contributing code and promising > to contribute more :-) At some stage I am going to have to add my name to > the list of contributors on the help screen :-) Make it so. > I am starting to wonder if we have any standards around information > presented by the various decode routines. I am looking for some guidelines, > and don't mind being part of the solution (ie, coming up with guidelines if > they are needed). Are there any guidelines? As I am looking more and more > at TCP level protocols (like SMTP, DNS Zone Transfers, SSH, Telnet, etc), > it may be that there is a need for such guidelines. There are no guidelines. Ethereal has been evolving. We have mostly stayed away from the protocols that are stacked above the session-oriented transports (TCP, SPX) because of the difficulty of matching packets of fragmented TCP write()s. Guy has some good ideas on how to fix this. What I'd like to do in regards to this is to have an "unfragment" mode in ethereal. When used, multiple packets that are known to be part of a single TCP transmision (write()) will be coalesced together. The packet summary line will be two lines high. The first line will be the decoding of the packet (once you put all the packets together for a single TCP write(), you can send that entire buffer to the next higher layer, dissect_http() or whatever). The second line will contain a drop-down list of the individiual frames that make up this TCP write(). If you select one of these frames, a window pops up showing you the protocol tree and hex dump of that single frame. As far as guidelines, I have begun writing a small tutorial on how to write dissect() routines. It's not yet complete; I wasn't going to show it until it was ready, but since you asked.... I plan to go into more detail on how to create the packet summary line, how to associate fields in the protocol tree with byte ranges in the hex dump, and how to use the various utility routines in ethereal (ip_to_strval, etc). If anyone wants to add some paragraphs, please send me the additions! (or wait until its in CVS) > THINGS ABOUT ETHEREAL I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH > > 1. It does not presently handle enough protocols. I am contributing towards > fixing this, as are many others. Perhaps this tutorial will help with that. --gilbert
How to Add a New Protocol to Ethereal ===================================== $Id$ Overview of Decoding Routines ----------------------------- To add a new protocol to ethereal's decoding collection, you need to know how to program in the C language. In the future ethereal might provide an easy scripting language so users can decode arbitrary protocols, but until then, you have to write in the C. When analyzing a trace file, ethereal makes use of the file in two different stages. Immediately after opening the capture file, ethereal loops through the entire file, packet-by-packet. It calls the top-level packet-decoding function, dissect_packet(), for each packet. But the decoding done at this time is minimal: this is the time in which the packet list is created, showing a single summary line for each packet. More importantly, ethereal also records the offset of each packet in the trace file. In the GUI, when the user highlights a specific packet, ethereal seeks to point in the capture file where that packet is located, and again calls dissect_packet(). This time, however, a full-decode is done. At this time the tree view and byte views are created and displayed on ethereal's window. Packet decoding is done in a hierarchial fasion. This is natural since the protocol layers are stacked upon each other. It is dissect_packet()'s job to figure out which datalink type the packet is encapsulated in (ethernet, token-ring, fddi, PPP, etc.) and call the appropriate dissect_*() routine. After the datalink dissect_*() routine decodes its portion of the packet, it is responsible for determining which dissect_*() routine to call next. The dissect_*() routines continue to call other dissect_*() routines until some dissect_*() determines that there is no more data to decode. The calling sequence for a packet in a telnet trace, for example, might look like this: ethereal -> dissect_packet() Top level routine -> dissect_eth() Ethernet layer -> dissect_ip() IP layer -> dissect_tcp() TCP layer How to Structure Your New Routine --------------------------------- Take a look at any packet-*.c file. Each dissect_*() routine works the same way. The datalink-level dissect routine accept 3 arguments: void dissect (const u_char *data_buffer, frame_data *packet_information, proto_tree *tree_widget); Each non-datalink-level dissect accepts 4 arguments. void dissect (const u_char *data_buffer, int data_offset, frame_data *packet_information, proto_tree *tree_widget); The data_buffer is where a copy of the packet is stored. The data_offset is the beginning of this protocol layer's portion of the packet. It is an offset for data_buffer[]. The frame_data structure contains low-level information about the packet; you will rarely need this in your own dissect_*() routine. The tree_widget is an abstract object representing the point in the protocol tree where the information from *this* layer will be attached. The protocol tree is the widget viewable in the middle pane of ethereal. In the GTK version of ethereal, a proto_tree is really a GtkWidget. But the programmer is never aware of theat. Notice that there is no flag passed to your dissect_*() routine that tells your code whether ethereal wants a short-decode (for the summary line) or a full-decode. Your code will determine this by the value of the tree widget. If tree_widget is NULL, then you have no tree to draw on. Therefore, ethereal wants a short-decode for the summary line. If the tree_widget != NULL, then there is a tree object to draw on, so ethereal wants a full decode. In your routine then, enclose any tree-related code in an if-statement: if (tree_widget) { /* do something */ } Any code that is used in the creation of the summary line should exist outside the true condition of the if statement. Your protocol layer ends in 1 of 3 ways: 1. Another protocol layer exists after yours. 2. Application data exists after your protocol layer. 3. The packet ends with your protocol layer. If another protocol layer exists after yours, your code must determine which protocol that is and call the appropriate dissect_*() routine. You must also determine the offset at which the next protocol layer begins and pass that in the arguments to the next dissect_*() routine. The next protocol begins at the byte after your protocol layer ends. If your protocol layer is carrying data which does not need to be decoded, but which should be marked as data in the protocol tree and hex dump, then call the dissect_data() routine with the appropriate offset. It marks the rest of the packet as data and does no decoding of the data. If the packet ends with your protocol layer, do nothing. Simply return; you are the end of the dissect_*() chain.
- Follow-Ups:
- [ethereal-dev] Decoding application level protocols
- From: Richard Sharpe
- [ethereal-dev] Decoding application level protocols
- References:
- [ethereal-dev] Standards in decode routines
- From: Richard Sharpe
- [ethereal-dev] Standards in decode routines
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