Ethereal-cvs: [Ethereal-cvs] rev 13447: /trunk/gtk/: mgcp_stat.c voip_calls.c voip_calls.h voi

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 15:53:20 -0000
User: lroland
Date: 2005/02/20 09:53 AM

 Don't register mgcp taps, 
 when we haven't loaded the mgcp plugin.
 From Alejandro Vaquero:
 mgcp support for the voip call analysis tap

Directory: /trunk/gtk/
  Changes    Path                Action
  +4 -2      mgcp_stat.c         Modified
  +383 -8    voip_calls.c        Modified
  +16 -4     voip_calls.h        Modified
  +8 -0      voip_calls_dlg.c    Modified

Directory: /trunk/plugins/mgcp/
  Changes    Path             Action
  +45 -8     packet-mgcp.c    Modified
  +6 -0      packet-mgcp.h    Modified

Directory: /trunk/
  Changes    Path              Action
  +4 -1      tap-mgcpstat.c    Modified