Ethereal-cvs: [Ethereal-cvs] Rev 11738: /branches/win32-native/xulender/win32-c-sdk/localeleme

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 21:46:31 -0000
User: gerald
Date: 2004/08/13 04:46 PM

 Add the "coloring rules" dialog.  All of the buttons work except for
 "New" and "Edit".
 Add support for setting row colors to the listbox element.
 Other minor tweaks and fixes.

Directory: /branches/win32-native/xulender/win32-c-sdk/localelements/
  Changes    Path                     Action
  +7 -27     ethereal-packetlist.c    Modified
  +1 -1      ethereal-treeview.c      Modified

Directory: /branches/win32-native/xulender/win32-c-sdk/stdelements/
  Changes    Path               Action
  +61 -1     win32-listbox.c    Modified
  +6 -0      win32-listbox.h    Modified

Directory: /branches/win32-native/xulender/win32-c-sdk/
  Changes    Path                Action
  +2 -0      Makefile.nmake      Modified
  +294 -0    color-util.c        Added
  +8 -0      color-util.h        Added
  +2 -0      win32-c-sdk.h       Modified
  +92 -0     win32-file-dlg.c    Modified
  +12 -0     win32-file-dlg.h    Modified
  +7 -1      win32-main.c        Modified
  +1 -0      win32-main.rc       Modified

Directory: /branches/win32-native/xulender/
  Changes    Path                         Action
  +5 -2      README.win32csdk             Modified
  +107 -0    coloring-rules-dialog.xul    Added
  +2 -0                 Modified