Ethereal-cvs: [Ethereal-cvs] cvs commit: ethereal/gtk font_utils.c font_utils.h compat_macros.

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: ulfl@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Ulf Lamping)
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 11:35:26 -0500 (CDT)
ulfl        2004/06/17 11:35:26 CDT

  Modified files:
    gtk                  compat_macros.h follow_dlg.c gtkglobals.h 
                         gui_prefs.c main.c main.h 
                         Makefile.common packet_list.c 
                         packet_list.h proto_draw.c 
                         supported_protos_dlg.c tcp_graph.c 
  Added files:
    gtk                  font_utils.c font_utils.h 
  move font related stuff to new file font_utils.c/.h
  do some font related renaming/code cleanup
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.20      +7 -1      ethereal/gtk/compat_macros.h
  1.66      +4 -4      ethereal/gtk/follow_dlg.c
  1.30      +1 -19     ethereal/gtk/gtkglobals.h
  1.72      +9 -55     ethereal/gtk/gui_prefs.c
  1.442     +9 -668    ethereal/gtk/main.c
  1.52      +1 -22     ethereal/gtk/main.h
  1.103     +2 -1      ethereal/gtk/
  1.15      +3 -2      ethereal/gtk/Makefile.common
  1.21      +5 -8      ethereal/gtk/packet_list.c
  1.5       +2 -10     ethereal/gtk/packet_list.h
  1.105     +35 -28    ethereal/gtk/proto_draw.c
  1.12      +10 -9     ethereal/gtk/supported_protos_dlg.c
  1.64      +2 -6      ethereal/gtk/tcp_graph.c
  1.3       +4 -5      ethereal/gtk/text_page.c