Version 0.7.9 of Ethereal is now available. This version
is made available mostly to fix some segfaults in the SMB
decoder, but other protocol decoders were updated as well.
The updated protocols are: SMB, Q.931, Q.2931, NFS,
portmap, ATM, ARP, and DNS. Also, SNMP over Ethernet
is now supported.
iptrace 1.0 files, from AIX 3, are now readable.
Support for NetMon 2.0 files and WAN NAI Sniffer files
has improved.
GUI changes included a combo-box for the display filter,
and a color-coded TCP Follow window, differentiating
transmitted and received data.
The build system should detect libz's that won't work
with Ethereal, and avoid linking them in.
The Ethereal web page is at
The source code for version 0.7.9 can be had from