
We are grateful to the following for providing mirrors:

Web site mirrors

Download Mirrors

Mirror Us

You are welcome to mirror our download directory using rsync . We recommend against using HTTP — it's horribly inefficient for this sort of thing.

The site contents can be mirrored using the following URLs:

  • rsync://rsync.wireshark.org/wsdl (Wireshark download area)
  • rsync://rsync.wireshark.org/wsweb (Wireshark web site sans downloads, not recommended)

To mirror the download area you could do something like this:

    mkdir wsdownload
    rsync -rtlvz rsync://rsync.wireshark.org/wsdl wsdownload

You can also mirror the entire web site, although this will likely be deprecated and removed at some point. To do so you could do something like this:

  mkdir -p wsweb/download
  rsync -rtlvz --delete --exclude=download \
    rsync://rsync.wireshark.org/wsweb wsweb
  rsync -rtlvz --delete rsync://rsync.wireshark.org/wsdl wsweb/download

The "--exclude=" bit ensures that the "--delete" flag doesn't clobber the download area each time.

We recommend updating the mirror between one and four times a day.

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Riverbed is Wireshark's primary sponsor and provides our funding. They also make great products that fully integrate with Wireshark.

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